Canadian aboriginal writing challenge
Canadian aboriginal writing challenge

canadian aboriginal writing challenge

canadian aboriginal writing challenge

Shaneen is well known across the country and abroad and is dedicated to promoting Indigenous talent. She was honoured to win first place for the Canadian Aboriginal Writing Challenge in 2008 for her play, Notay Kiskintamowin “Wanting to Know”, the same year she was named a National Aboriginal Role Model by the Governor General of Canada and graduated from the University of Winnipeg where she has been recognized as Notable Alumni and founded the Indigenous Course Requirement. She is very proud of her final work with the network, Breaching the Sacred-a 22-minute piece showcasing the tragic reality of Indigenous women living with addictions and using while pregnant.


She also worked for many years as a correspondent at APTN National News and garnered attention for her award-winning series about The Sacred Sundance. Over the years she’s worked at CTV News Winnipeg where her stories have aired on CTV Newsnet/News Channel, CTV National News, and CNN. Shaneen Robinson-Desjarlais is a multi-award-winning former journalist/broadcaster who’s been on Canada’s media scene for two decades. Stuart Desnomie, Manitoba Department of Sport, Culture and Heritage MJ Dandeneau, MJ Entertainment Canada Inc. The Indigenous Music Development Program Steering Committee members are The committee advises staff on project delivery and on the industry itself, foregrounding trends and key issues as they arise. The committee receives reports about the program and ensures that it responds to the needs of Indigenous artists and industry.

canadian aboriginal writing challenge

The IMDP Steering Committee includes indigenous people involved in Manitoba’s music industry. INDIGENOUS MUSIC DEVELOPMENT STEERING COMMITTEE

  • Indigenous Music website and social media.
  • Export market development opportunities.
  • Online Indigenous artist and music company directory.
  • Industry showcases highlighting Indigenous artists from Manitoba.
  • Workshops about the business side of the music industry.
  • To assist people in the Indigenous community in Manitoba to develop sustainable careers in music by connecting them with opportunities within Manitoba Music and beyond. IMDP is recognized both at home and abroad as the driving force behind a vibrant Indigenous music community in Manitoba. The program delivers projects and services that respond to the needs of the industry as identified by a steering committee. The Indigenous Music Development Program (IMDP) at Manitoba Music was launched in 2004 to support First Nation, Métis, and Inuit artists and music companies as they build sustainable careers in Manitoba’s music industry. About the Indigenous Music Development Program

    Canadian aboriginal writing challenge