Poser meaning
Poser meaning

poser meaning poser meaning

  • While lifting the foot and pulling it backward do not twist the corresponding hip.
  • Lower the left arm to the side and release the right foot to the floor.
  • Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds breathing deeply and keeping the eyes fixed on the fingers of the left hand.
  • Join the tip of the index finger and thumb of the left hand to form jnana mudra.
  • Extend the spine and left arm to lean forward and reach upward.
  • Simultaneously, raise the left arm forward aligned with the shoulder.
  • Swivel the right shoulder to point the elbow upwards pulling the right foot towards the head.
  • Keep the left leg straight and firm to the floor.
  • Hold the right big toe with the right thumb, index, and middle fingers.
  • Shifting the weight on the left leg, bend the right knee flexing the right foot backward.
  • Stand in tadasana gazing forward to a fixed point.
  • Upward-Facing Bow Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana).
  • Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana).
  • One-Legged King Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana).
  • These poses provide flexibility to the body that eventually prepares you for Natrajasana. Practice these basic postures to improve balance while standing on one leg and bending backward.

    poser meaning

    People with carpal tunnel syndrome must refrain from this pose.Avoid it if you are suffering from low blood pressure.Do not practice it if you are experiencing sacroiliac pain.Practice its modified version only, if you have a poor balance.People suffering from severe back pain, slipped disc, or the bulging disc must avoid this asana.Patients of arthritis must avoid this pose.Avoid this pose if you have an injury in the legs, groins, hips, or shoulders.Natarajasana Practice Guide Contraindications Therefore, natarajasana is all about gracefully overcoming the challenges, thereby, improving the willpower and concentration to find balance. These two forces bring fear of falling altogether, however, it could be overcome by opening the heart followed by back bending. Simultaneously, the gesture involves back bending. In this practice, the yogi is supposed to challenge the balance by holding the posture in one leg at a time. Performing natarajasana is all about challenging your comfort zone by overcoming the fears. Symbolic representation of natarajasnaīesides grace, Shiva also represents the liberation of fears.

    poser meaning

    Here, “nata” means “dancer, “raja” is “king” or “lord”, and “asana” refers to “pose”.Īpart from being a yogic posture, this is also performed as a move in Indian classical dance, Bharatanatyam. Natarajasana comprises three root terms that signify the posture. Apart from these, it strengthens core muscles, opens the chest, and improves flexibility. It targets the spine, hip, leg, and arm muscles. The other arm is also lifted at the shoulder level to reach up while leaning forward. The lifted leg is pulled behind the body with the corresponding hand drawing the foot towards the head. Getting into the pose requires balancing the body on one leg while the other leg is lifted and bent at the knee. Therefore, it is an intermediate level pose. The backbend along with the intense stretching movements makes it a challenging pose to hold. The spine muscles are stretched and bent backward. It is performed standing on one leg, hence requires strength and balance. It is attributed as a spiritual practice that involves dedication, hope, and prepares the practitioner to understand life clearly. Natrajasana is a graceful yogic move to improve the balance and posture of the body.

    Poser meaning